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How Employer Branded Content Marketing Helps You Recruit Better Candidates

Written by: Tanya Weets
Published on: Nov 20, 2017

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You may think that recruitment marketing is just posting your job openings online and sharing them to your company social media channels. Which, in a way, is how it may appear on the surface. But this is only part of the online recruitment equation.

Content Marketing goes to another level, adding depth to your recruitment campaign and enhancing your employer brand for maximum marketing coverage.

High-quality, branded content marketing engages your potential hires with a mix of planned and spontaneous digital campaigns using creative headlines, photos, videos, blogs and more – including paid, digital ads that work in tandem with organic posts stemming from your content marketing strategy and media buying plan.

All of these awesome social posts and paid digital ads lead potential candidates back to a career page where your “content” should sit, so that your employer brand is more than a website – it’s a destination. A place where your very eager job candidate can stop by and learn more, watch more, find out more, hopefully read more, and then be inspired enough to apply for your job opening.

There it is.

So now that you understand the concept, let’s break down the different elements that could make up employer branded content.

But what is “content” exactly?

Tweet: “Content is anything of digital interest enhancing the user interaction with your brand.” @JobsHQTanya #contentmarketing

JobsHQ Employer Branded Content Marketing Infographic

But again that’s not all. The ideas in the #HiringSmarts #JobsHQInfographic are just a small sampling of potential digital content that could make up your Employer Branded #ContentMarketing campaign.

Are you in need of online recruitment? Call one of our helpful marketing consultants today from 8 am – 5 pm CST at  1-888-514-4473 or email us any time